Launched earlier than Disha, Swavlamban is program meant for children above the age of 14 and also for adults. It is a vocational education and training program, also called career and technical education, which prepares students for jobs that are manual or practical activities based.

The teachers are specifically trained to teach vocational skills to students that increases their opportunity for employment.

While training students various vocational courses, a need for making them aware of their personal hygiene and basic life skills was felt, therefore Disha was launched.

About Us

The Indore Society for Mentally Challenged conceived in the year 1995 is the realization of the long cherished dream of dedicated mental health professionals and parents. They have shown more significant commitment to the mental health problems of children and adolescents over long years, therefore established ISMC. It is a result of their collective effort to create a paltform to explore, discuss, and act on the social determinants of mental health. 

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Address : 193/3, Rahul Panjwani Parisar, Hukmakhedi, Rajendra Nagar, Behind I.P.S. School, A.P. Road, Indore- 452 012(M.P.)

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